AdvanTex® AX-Mobile

AdvanTex® AX-Mobile AX Mobile 10.8
AdvanTex® AX-Mobile Ax Mobile Helicopter
AdvanTex® AX-Mobile AX Mobile A
AdvanTex® AX-Mobile AX Mobile 10.8 thumb
AdvanTex® AX-Mobile Ax Mobile Helicopter thumb
AdvanTex® AX-Mobile AX Mobile A thumb

AdvanTex® AX-Mobile

Based on the AdvanTex® AX-Max technology, the AdvanTex® AX-Mobile Treatment Systems are a free standing unit that are a great option for temporary projects or remote sites, including work camps, forward operating bases, disaster relief and temporary flow diversions.


By Design

Energy Use

By Design

Treatment Quality 

By Design


Height - 2464mm

Width - 2286mm

Length -  4200mm - 12800mm

Dry Weight -  Variable by design


Other Systems