AdvanTex® AX20 Package
Designed for standard and larger homes, the AdvanTex® AX20 Package will treat up to 2,000 L/day. Needing very little space to install, it also has low maintenance requirements and pumping costs, which make this the preferred system for most homeowners.
For Advanced Nitrogen Reduction:
Please specify the AX20 Mode 3 System
To view drawings, specification docs, and testing results please log in to our library
Up to 2000L per day
Energy Use
$6-to-$8 Per month
Treatment Quality
Typical effluent quality:
BOD5 <15mg/L average and <20mg/L peak
TSS: <15mg/L average and <30mg/L peak
(With pod sitting on top of tank)
Height - 2730mm
Width - 2600mm
Dry Weight - 500kg